Duewel Images Photography: Blog https://www.duewelimagesphoto.com/blog en-us (C) Duewel Images Photography [email protected] (Duewel Images Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:16:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:16:00 GMT https://www.duewelimagesphoto.com/img/s/v-12/u370459851-o549301106-50.jpg Duewel Images Photography: Blog https://www.duewelimagesphoto.com/blog 120 120 WPPI https://www.duewelimagesphoto.com/blog/2012/2/wppi Well--here I go --my first ever blog! I sit writing this with a cup of great coffee contemplating all that I have learned this past week.  I have been at WPPI--Wedding and Portrait Professionals International--and oh what a ride it has been!  I have attending class after class with amazing teaching photographers from all over the world.  My brain is quite literally filled with amazing ideas.  So, be expecting lots more blogs, a new and improved website, new locations to shoot, and amazing ideas for my beautiful brides at their weddings and my awesome graduating seniors!  I sign off now to attend my last class this morning and then catch a plane back to Reno.  Lots of love to all of you and see you soon!

[email protected] (Duewel Images Photography) brides graduating photography seniors wedding wppi https://www.duewelimagesphoto.com/blog/2012/2/wppi Thu, 23 Feb 2012 15:50:34 GMT